Doc Discovers he died flying Lancaster Bomber after Hypnosis

Colin Barron – a medic from Dunblane always had a strange fascination with planes. From a young age he always had a strong interest in aviation. His interest was mainly about RAF planes during world war 2. He was the only person in his family that had an interest in the subject.

Shortly after Mr Barron qualified as a doctor, he took part in a hypnotherapy session know as ‘Automatic Writing’. This involves the participant holding a pencil and regressing into a hypnotic state. Their subconscious mind then unlocks information which is then relayed onto the paper with the pencil.

Dr Barron began to write page after page referring to the RAF during the second world war. A friend of Dr Barrons on the same course asked him if he could perform a full hypnotherapy session on him to try and take him back to that time, to reveal more information. Dr Barron without hesitation agreed.

Dr Barron said that he was asked to regress back to a time when he had lived previously. He recalled having realistic visions of being transported in a truck onto an airfield towards a row of Lancaster bombers. The sun was setting and he could see a beautiful orange glow from the sky on the horizon.

Geoff his friend who was performing the hypnotherapy session then asked Dr Barron to move forward in time a few hours. He was now flying his Lancaster Bomber at an altitude of 18,000 feet. All around him 88mm flak shells were exploding. All his concentration was on flying straight and level while trying to ignore the surrounding explosions. Through his headphones he could hear the words ‘Steady, Steady, Steady’, followed by the words, ‘Bombs gone’. They had successfully dropped their cargo of bombs.

Immediately after their successful run the aluminium skin of the port wing exploded after taking a direct hit from one of the German shells. Dr Barron felt warm blood pouring down his cheek. Moments later both port engines burst into flames. Dr Barron seen the grey mass of a Junkers Luftwaffe fighter plane dash past the window. He started to crawl towards the forward escape hatch when the plane was engulfed in an almighty fireball. Everything then went black. Dr Barron believes this is when he died.

Dr Barron is convinced he lived a previous life as a Lancaster Bomber pilot. Although he didn’t get names or serial numbers the experience revealed accurate historical data alongside a vivid recreation that to Dr Barron, he believes it to be true.